A list of Selected Abbreviation & Acronym for Competitive Exams & the most often used and significant abbreviations that appear in all competitive exams including bank exams, IBPS recruitment exams, NET or CSIR NET, IIT JAM, SSC, and RRB.

Popular Abbreviations for Competitive Exams: SSC, IBPS, RRB, Govt Jobs
Abbreviations | Expansions |
ACS | Automated Clearing System |
ACTA | Anti-counterpart Trade Agreement |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AM | Ante Meridiem |
AMRUT | Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation |
APL | Above Poverty Line |
APM | Administered Pricing Mechanism |
APY | Atal Pension Yojana |
ARC | Asset Reconstruction Company |
ARCIL | Asset Reconstruction Company Of India Ltd |
ARDR | Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief |
ASEAN | Association of South-East Asian Nations |
ASEM | Asia-Europe Meeting |
ASHA | Accredited Social Health Activist |
ASSOCHAM | Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India |
AVAM | AAP Volunteer Action Manch |
BBBP | Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao |
BCBS | Basel committee for Banking Supervision |
BCSBI | Banking Codes and Standards Board of India |
BOLT | BSE On-Line Trading (System) |
BOP | Balance of Payments |
BOSS | Bharat Operating System Solutions |
BOT | Build, Operate and Transfer |
BPL | Below Poverty Line |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
BSCS | Biological Sciences Curriculum Study |
BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange |
BSR | Basic Statistical Returns |
C & AG | Comptroller & Auditor General |
CA | Chartered Accountant |
CABE | Central Advisory Board of Education |
CACP | Commission of Agriculture Cost and Price |
CAD | Capital Account Deficit |
CAG | Controller and Auditor General of India |
CAMELS | C – Capital adequacy, A – Asset quality, M – Management quality, E – Earnings, L – Liquidity, S – Sensitivity to Market Risk |
CAR | Capital adequacy ratio |
CARE | Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. |
CBS | Core banking solution |
CC | Cash Credit |
CCEA | Cabinet Committee On Economic Affairs |
CD | Certificate of Deposit |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDS | Credit Default Swap |
CDSL | Central Securities Depository Limited |
CECA | Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement |
CEPA | Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement |
CFRA | Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts |
CHOGM | Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting |
CIBIL | Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd |
CII | Confederation of Indian Industry |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species |
CITU | Centre Of Indian Trade Unions |
CMP | Common Minimum Program |
CO | Capital Outlay |
CP | Commercial Paper |
CPI (AL) | Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labors |
CPI (IW) | Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers |
CRISIL | Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited |
CRMD | Credit Risk Management Department |
CSIR | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
DA | Dearness Allowance; Daily Allowance |
DAP | Development Action Plan |
DAY | Deen Dayal Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojana |
DBOD | Department of Banking Operations & Development |
DBS Bank Ltd | The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd. |
DBTSK | Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for Kerosene |
DCA | Department of Company Affairs |
DCM | Department of Currency Management |
DD | Demand Draft |
DDS | Data Dissemination Standards |
DDT | Dividend Distribution Tax |
DDUGJY | Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana |
DFHI | Discount and Finance House of India Ltd. |
DFTP | Duty Free Tariff Preference Scheme |
DI | Digital India |
DICGC | Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India |
DMA | Departmentalized Ministries Account |
DSE | Direct Selling Agent |
DTAA | Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement |
ECA | Essential Commodity Act |
EDUSAT | Education Satellite |
EEE | Exempt Exempt Exempt |
EEFC | Exchange Earner Foreign Currency Account |
EEFC Account | Exchange Earners Foreign Currency Account |
EEU | Eurasian Economic Union |
EGOM | Empowered Group of Ministers |
ELSS | Equity Linked Saving Scheme |
EMI | Equated Monthly Installment |
EMS | European Monetary System |
EPF | Employees Provident Fund |
EPFO | Employees Provident Fund Organization |
ERNET | Educational and Research Network |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacify |
ESMA | Essential Services Maintenance Act |
ESOP | Employee Stock Option Program |
EU | European Union |
EXIM Bank | Export – Import Bank of India |
FCRA | Forward Contracts Regulation Act |
FEDAI | Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association Of India |
FICCI | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
FIMMDA | Fixed Income Money Market & Derivatives Association |
FLCC | Financial Literacy And Credit Counselling |
FMCG | Fast Moving Consumer Goods |
FRBM | Fiscal Responsibility And Management Act |
FSDC | Financial Stability Development Council |
FTA | Free Trade Area |
GATT | General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDR | Global Depositary Receipt |
GIC | General Insurance Corporation of India |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GOI | Government of India |
GST | Goods and Service Tax |
HDFC | Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited |
HDI | Human Development Index |
HNI | High Net worth Individual |
HRIDAY | Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojana |
HSBC | Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited |
HUDCO | Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. |
HUF | Hindu Undivided Family |
IAAI | International Airport Authority Of India |
IAAS | Indian Audit and Accounts Service |
IADF | International Agricultural Development Fund |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IASB | The International Accounting Standards Board |
IBPS | Inter Bank Mobile Payment Service |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
ICCW | Indian Council for Child Welfare |
ICDS | Integrated Child Development Service |
ICMR | Indian Council of Medical Research |
ICOR | Incremental capital output ratio |
ICRA | Investment information and Credit Rating Agency |
ICRC | International Committee of Red Cross |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDFC | Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Ltd. |
IES | Indian Economic Service |
IEX | Indian Energy Exchange |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFCI | Industrial Finance Corporation of India |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standard |
IFSC | Indian Financial System Code |
IFTU | International Federation of Trade Unions |
IFWJ | Indian Federation of Working Journalists |
IIPA | Indian Institute of Public Administration |
IISS | International Institute of Strategic Studies |
ILO | International Labor Organization |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IMRB | Indian Market Research Bureau |
Ind AS | Indian Accounting Standards |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organization |
INR | Indian Rupee |
INTERPOL | International Police Organization |
INTUC | Indian National Trade Union Congress |
IOC | International Olympic Committee |
IP | Interest Payment |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPEC | International Program on Elimination Of Child Labor |
IPO | Initial public offer |
IPR | Intellectual Property Right |
IRBI | Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India |
IRDA | Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority |
IREDA | Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. |
IREP | Integrated Rural Energy Planning |
IRFC | Indian Railways Finance Corporation Ltd. |
IRNSS | Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System |
IRR | Internal Rate Of Return |
ITO | International Trade Organization; Income-Tax Officer |
ITU | International Tele-Communication Union |
JAM | Jan Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile |
JNNURM | Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission |
KPO | Knowledge Process Outsourcing |
LAF | Liquid Adjustment Facility |
LAMPS | Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies |
LFAR | Long Form Audit Report |
LIBOR | London Inter Bank Offered Rate |
LTCM | Long Term Capital Management |
M & A | Merger & Acquisition |
MA | Moving Average |
MAIT | Manufacturers’ Association for Information Technology |
MAT | Minimum Alternative Tax |
MCA | Ministry of Company Affairs |
MCAP | Market capitalization / Mid cap |
MDG | Millennium development goals |
MEP | Minimum Export Pric |
MFA | Multi-Fiber Agreement |
MFI | Micro finance institution |
MFIN | Micro finance institution network |
MFN | Most Favored Nation |
MGNREGA | National Rural Employment Guarantee Act |
MHFA | Mission Housing for All Urban |
MIBOR | Mumbai Interbank offer rate |
MII | Make in India |
MMMF | Money Market Mutual Funds |
MNC | Multi-National Corporation |
MRGF | Mortgage Risk Guarantee Fund |
MRP | Maximum Retail Price |
MRT | Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy |
MRTPC | Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission |
MRTS | Mass Rapid Transit System |
MSF | Marginal Standard Facility |
MSME | Micro Small and Medium Enterprises |
MSP | Minimum support price |
MSS | Market Stabilization Scheme |
MT | Mail Transfer |
MTO | Multilateral Trade Organization |
MUDRA | MUDRA Bank Youjana |
NAEP | National Adult Education Program |
NAFED | National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd |
NAFTA | North America Free Trade Agreement |
NAM | Non-Aligned Movement |
NAMA | Non-Agriculture Market Access |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation |
NASSCOM | National Association of Software and Services Companies |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFC | Non-Banking Finance Companies |
NCAER | National Council Of Applied Economic Research |
NCERT | National Council Of Education Research And Training |
NCPCR | National Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
NDC | National Development Council |
NDMA | National Disaster Management Authority |
NDTL | Net Demand Time Liabilities |
NEGP | National E-Governance Plan |
NEP | National Education Policy |
NERPAP | National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Program |
NFC | Non-Banking Finance Companies |
NFO | New Fund Offers |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
NHAI | National Highways Authority of India |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NHDP | National Highways Development Project |
NHRC | National Human Rights Commission |
NIC | National Industrial Classification |
NIFT | National Institute of Fashion Technology |
NIO | National Institute of Oceanography |
NITI | National Institution for Transforming India |
NLMA | National Literacy Mission Authority |
NMCG | National Mission for Clean Ganga |
NMDC | National Mineral Development Corporation |
NMET | National Mineral Exploration Trust |
NNP | Net National Production |
NOHFC | non-operative financial holding company |
NPR | National Population Register |
NRI | Non-Resident Indian |
NSC | National Statistical Commission |
NSDL | National Securities Depository Limited |
NSM | National Supercomputing Mission |
OD | Over Draft |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
OFCD | Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture |
OGL | Open General License |
OIC | Organization of Islamic Countries |
OIL | Oil India Limited |
OMO | Open Market Operation |
ONGC | Oil And Natural Gas Commission |
OSCE | Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe |
PAC | Public Accounts Committee |
PACS | Primary Agriculture Credit Societies |
PahaL | Pratyaksha Hastaantarit Laabh |
PAN | Permanent Account Number (Of Income-Tax) |
PATA | Pacific-Asia Travel Association |
PCI | Per capita income |
PD | Primary Deficit |
PDO | Public Debt Office |
PDS | Public Distribution System |
PFC | Power Finance Corporation Ltd. |
PIL | Public Interest Litigation |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PIO | Persons Of Indian Origin |
PLR | Prime Lending Rate |
PMFBY | Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana |
PMJJBY | Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana |
PMKSY | Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana |
PMSBY | Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana |
PMUY | Pradhan Mantri Ujjawala Yojana |
PN | Participatory Note |
PNB | Punjab National Bank |
PO | Principal Office |
POP | Point Of Purchase |
POS | Point Of Scale |
POTUS | President of the United States |
PPF | Public Provident Fund |
PRAGATI | Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation |
PSA | Priority Sector Advances |
PSF | Price Stabilization Fund |
PSLC | Priority Sector Lending Certificates |
QIP | Qualified Institutional Placement |
QR | Quantitative Restriction |
RCTC | Risk Capital and Technology Finance Corporation Ltd |
RDBMS | Relational Database Management System |
RE | Revenue Expenditure |
RIDF | Rural infrastructure development fund |
RMB | Renminbi (Chinese) |
RR | Revenue Receipts |
RRB | Regional Rural Bank |
RSETI | Rural Self Employment Training Institute |
SAFTA | South Asian Free Trade Area |
SAIL | Steel Authority of India Limited |
SAM | Social Accounting Matrix |
SAPTA | SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement |
SARFAESI | Securitization And Reconstruction Of Financial Assets And Enforcement Of Security Interest |
SARFAESI ACT | The Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 |
SBI | State Bank of India |
SBM | Swacch Bharat Mission |
SC | Schedule Caste |
SCC | Selective Credit Control |
SCICI | Shipping Credit and Investment Company of India Ltd. |
SCM | Smart Cities Mission |
SCO | Shanghai Cooperation Organization |
SCOPE | Standing Conference On Public Enterprises |
SDF | shipping declaration form |
SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area |
SEWA | Self-employed woman’s association |
SFC | State Financial Corporation |
SGL | Subsidiary General Ledger |
SHC | Soil Health Card Scheme |
SIMo | Skill India Mission Operation |
SIP | Systematic Investment Plan |
SME | Small Micro Enterprises |
SPMRM | Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission |
SPNS | Shared Payment Network System |
SSI | Small-Scale Industries |
ST | Schedule Tribe |
STDR | Special Term Deposit Receipt |
STRIPS | Separate Trading Registered Interest And Principal Securities |
SWIFT | Society For World Wide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication |
SWOT | Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats |
TC | Temporary Change |
TDICI | Technology Development and Information Company of India Ltd. |
TDS | Tax Deduction at Source |
TFCI | Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd. |
TIFR | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research |
TIN | Tax Information Network |
TINXSYS | Tax Information Exchange System |
TISCO | Tata Iron and Steel Company |
TLCs | Tech Learning Centres |
TPDS | Targeted Public Distribution System |
TRAI | Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India |
TRIMS | Trade Related Investment Measures |
TRIPS | Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights |
UCO | United Commercial Bank |
ULIP | Unit Linked Insurance Plan |
UN | United Nations |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference On Trade And Development |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
UNEF | United Nations Emergency Force |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees |
UNHRC | United Nations Human Rights Commission |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children’s (Emergency) Fund |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
UNRRA | United Nations Relief And Rehabilitation Administration |
UPI | Unified Payment Interface |
US | United States |
USD | US Dollars |
USE | United Stock Exchange |
USP | Unique Selling Proposition |
UTI | Unit Trust of India |
VAT | Value-Added Tax |
VC | Venture Capital |
VDIS | Voluntary Disclosure Of Income Scheme |
WEF | World Economic Forum |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
Nearly all of the Important Abbreviations for Competitive Banking Exams and Government Exams have been addressed here.
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