5 Effective home remedies for throat infection

 It is common to have cough and cold in the changing season which increases the risk of pain, soreness and infection in the throat.

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Throat infection affects the respiratory system, may be due to virus, bacteria or allergy or due to change in weather and flu.

Mix salt in warm water, gargle and rinse. This provides relief from soreness and pain. The right way to gargle. 

Hot ginger tea provides relief to the throat. Ginger has the ability to fight bacteria and viruses. 

Add 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar in hot water and drink it. The acidic properties present in it eliminate the bacteria in the throat. 

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Adding one spoon turmeric in hot milk and drinking it will provide relief from pain, swelling and infection.  

Make a decoction by mixing 5-7 basil leaves, crushed 4-5 black peppers, a piece of cinnamon and jaggery in two glasses of water 

However, if the condition does not improve, you may require medical attention. 

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