10 Rules of a Happy Marriage Life to be successful-2022 – Love and care together for ever. Let us Know the Rules for a Happy Marriage. Now-a-days, Dating-Marriage-Divorce (DMD) is a common thing to new generation couples. Let us understand the simple rules to make the marriage to one successful one.
Rules for a Happy Marriage
- Never let your anger flare up simultaneously.
- Never bring up and repeat the past errors.
- No one ever raises their voices in anger unless there’s a real emergency.
- Let your partner win the argument if you must choose a winner.
- If you must comment or criticize do it with love and affection.
- Put the rest of the world on hold instead of your love one.
- Always settle down a argument with love before bed sleep.
- Quarrels are often in married life but the wronged one speaks more.
- If you did something wrong, you should be ready to say so and ask for forgiveness.
- Say nice compliment of your life partner with beauty, cooking and responsibility etc at least once a day.
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