Kaliyug Mahamantra
“Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”.
Benefit of chanting mahamantra?
- Helps in break the unending cycle of birth and death.
- People who say Hare Rama Hare Krishna are able to rid themselves from any material wants that connect with the almighty.
- This gives you the eternal pleasure and peace.
- We should practice the every day for positive energy and boosts our self-assurance.
- It also strengthens our self-confidence makes us more disciplined and maintains our body, mind and spirit balance.
- This also aids in the attainment of moksha.
How to chant the Mahamantra?
- Between 4 and 6 a.m., Brahma Muhurat is the best time to perform Krishna mantra.
- Early in the morning, take a bath. Take a bath and sit in front of a Lord Krishna painting.
- Chant the mahamantra daily.
Read also…
- More Unknown Facts on Akshaya Tritiya
- Ananta Yug know more about.
- Puspanjali Mantra, Bidhi and Benefits.
- Guru Bandana: Importance of a Satguru in every life.
- Purna Kalasha Sthapana: Bidhi & Benefits.
- Pana Sankranti Date, Significance and Puja Bidhi.
- Hanuman Jayanti: Solution to all problems in life.
- Relationship between the Living Being and Supreme God.
- What is Chappan Bhog.
- Benefits of Suryanamaskar mantra.
- Why we Offer Water to God during puja.
- Benefit of Chanting Mantras 108 times..
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