January 18-National Days, Birthday and Important Past Events

January 18 2025 is Saturday. National Gourmet Coffee Day. National Peking Duck Day. National Michigan Day. National Winnie the Pooh Day. National Thesaurus Day. Women’s Healthy Weight Day. Holidays & Observances, National and Special Days, Major Past Events, Zodiac Sign, Birthday of Celebrity & famous personalities on this date.

Holidays, Observances of Special Day & National Day on January 18

Find out about important past events, festivals, funny, weird, national days, special days & Holidays happening around the world in different countries on this day

  • 18th day of the Gregorian calendar
  • Western Zodiac – Capricorn
  • National Gourmet Coffee Day
  • National Peking Duck Day
  • National Michigan Day
  • National Winnie the Pooh Day
  • National Thesaurus Day
  • Women’s Healthy Weight Day
january 18
january 18 national day

Past events and historical events on January 18

  • 2012-Several thousand websites joined in a blackout protest over US lawmakers’ SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protest Intellectual Property Act).
  • 2002-The Sierra Leone Civil War ends which had lasted 11 years and left over 50,000 dead.
  • 1997-The Norwegian polar explorer Borge Ousland becomes the first person to cross Antarctica alone.
  • 1944 – On this day, labor disputes were settled, and the control of railroads was given back to their original owners.
  • 1944-New York City Metropolitan Opera House
  • holds its first jazz concert.
  • 1943-Warsaw Ghetto take up arms against the German oppressors during World War II.
  • 1919-The Paris Peace Conference opens to set the peace terms after World War I.
  • 1918-Advocacy groups sought to repeal the Senate’s Eighteenth Amendment vote.
  • 1901-Tioga County, Pennsylvania’s County Commissioner gave money for three iron bridges.
  • 1886-Modern hockey is born by the Hockey Association in England formalized a modern version of the game which had already been played in ancient times.

Famous Personalities & Celebrities Birthday on January 18

Famous Celebrities birthdays on 18th January
  • 1999-Karan Brar-American actor
  • 1969-Dave Bautista-American-Former professional wrestler.
  • 1955-Kevin Costner-American actor, singer, director and producer.
  • 1913-Danny Kaye-American actor.
  • 1911-Danny Kaye-American Actor, Comedian and Singer.
  • 1892-Oliver Hardy-American comedian and actor.
  • 1882-A. A. Milne-English author.
  • 1689-Montesquieu-French philosopher.

FAQ / People Also Ask

1. Which Day is 18th January 2025?

  • 18th January is Saturday
  • 18th day of the Gregorian calendar
  • Western Zodiac- Capricorn

2. Special Day on January 18

  • This day is celebrated as Birthday of Mahadev Govind Ranade who was popularly referred to as Justice Ranade. He was an Indian scholar, social reformer, judge and author.
  • People all around the United States celebrate thesauruses for the fact that they have never left them at a loss for words. In addition to this, they pay homage to the person who compiled the very first contemporary thesaurus.

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