Janmastami is the on the eighth (ashtami) day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada, Hindus celebrate the birth (janma) of the god Krishna (August–September). The fact that Krishna is the eighth child of his mother, Devaki, gives the number eight additional significance in the Krishna mythology. Janmashtami is also called as Krishnashtami, Krishna Jayanti, Gokulashtami, Yadukulashtami, Srikrishna Jayanti.
Table of Contents
When is Janmastami in 2023?
Krishna Janmashtami 2023 will begin on 6th September 2023 (Wednesday) -7th September 2023 (Thursday)
Celebration of Janmastami
The event is particularly celebrated in Mathura and Vrindavan (Brindaban), the locations of Krishna’s early life. Devotees observe a vigil and fast till the traditional hour of his birth the day before. The statue of Krishna is then dressed in new clothing, given a bath in milk and water, and worshipped. Temples and household shrines are embellished with flowers and foliage, and sweetmeats are offered to the deity before being given to the household as prasada (the god’s leftovers, which carry his favour). The two days of festivities are filled with vigour and enthusiasm.
Janmastami Celebration in Mathura
Krishna’s followers recreate the scene of his birth in Mathura, the Yamuna River, where he was carried to safety, and Gokul (early Vraja), where he spent his childhood, using miniature versions of the deity, the other participants, and the animals and birds of the forest. In the streets, pots of milk are strung from high poles, and men build human pyramids to reach and shatter the pots—this is a variation on Krishna’s childhood game with the cowherd boys, in which they stole the curds that their mothers had hung out of reach. Group singing and dancing are also performed during the festival.
Janmastami HD Wallpapers

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