Health tips on Hypertension-Let us know what is Hypertension ? How we treat hypertension without medication?. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a frequent disorder in which the blood’s long-term force against the artery walls is high enough to produce health problems such as heart disease.
Table of Contents
Blood pressure.
When the heartbeat begins, the life cycle begins, and when the heartbeat stops, life ends. From birth to death, the heart beats, and the function of the heart is to pump blood to all parts of the body. Contaminated blood from the body reaches the right side of the heart, and the heart moves it to the lungs.
In the lungs, the blood is purified and the heart comes to the left side, and from there the pure blood moves to all parts of the body. In this way the heart helps our body to circulate oxygen and blood. So the heart has to put a certain amount of pressure on the heart to get blood to all the parts of the body called blood pressure.
However, the blood has to be pressed by the heart to reach the smallest canals in the body, which can lead to increased blood pressure, which is called hypertension. However, hypertension can have a profound effect on the heart if left untreated for a long time and left untreated.
Symptoms of hypertension.
However, hypertension increases the size of the heart, making it no longer able to circulate blood. Later on, symptoms of heart failure appear. Symptoms of heart failure, such as shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, or fatigue, may be due to prolonged exposure to the heart.
It then affects the blood vessels of the heart, which can lead to heart attacks. Prolonged exposure to high blood pressure can lead to paralysis, stroke, kidney failure, and reduced vision. The cause of high blood pressure is not known, usually due to hereditary causes. Let us discuss on Some Health tips on Hypertension.
Normal hypertension symptom includes
- Early morning headaches.
- Nosebleeds.
- Irregular heart rhythms.
- Vision changes.
- Buzzing in the ears.
Severe hypertension symptom includes
- Fatigue.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- Anxiety.
- Chest pain.
- Muscle tremors.
Stages of Hypertension
- Normal.
- Mild-prehypertension.
- Moderate-stage 1.
- Severe-stage 2.
Some Health tips on Hypertension
- Stress can also lead to hypertension and eating fast food can lead to high blood pressure. However, high blood pressure can lead to other major illnesses, such as paralysis of the brain, which can lead to kidney failure, heart attack, and vision loss.
- So if you have hypertension , take your medication regularly. In order to reduce hypertension.
- You must first pay attention to your diet and also look at how to eat less fat spices.
- Exercise every morning and also do pranayama for peace of mind.
- However, as with diabetes, taking sugar can help control your diabetes and increase your sugar intake. Similarly, blood pressure is no longer controlled unless you take medication. Therefore, it is important to take medication regularly. Eating a healthy diet is essential for a healthy heart, as well as eating green vegetables.
- Be careful how you eat less spices, etc., and eat salads every day
- Also, eat plant-based protein foods and don’t eat too much salt because people with heart or kidney problems should eat less salt. In addition to controlling food intake and eating less spices in the diet.
- Your cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension tests are often necessary, and if you have any problems with your body, you should take your medication as directed by your doctor.
- Exercising for 45 minutes or an hour every morning keeps our body healthy. Peace of mind is essential to prevent heart disease, so do yoga, meditation and pranayama.
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