Name of 9 planets 12 Zodiac Signs and 27 Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology

Astrology and  horoscopes can give further insight into your personality. They can serve as a roadmap for what drives you and how you approach the most important relationships in your life. Before diving into the astrological depths, you should know your Zodiac Signs or Sun Sign which is determined by date of birth and also the name of 9 planets 12 Zodiac Signs and 36 Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology

Name of 9 Planets in Vedic Astrology

Nine Planets refers to the nine celestial bodies used in astrology – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

Name of 12 Zodiac Signs in Vedic Astrology

  • Aries: March 21 – April 19
  • Taurus: April 20 – May 20
  • Gemini: May 21 – June 21
  • Cancer: June 22 – July 22
  • Leo: July 23 – August 22
  • Virgo: August 23 – September 22
  • Libra: September 23 – October 23
  • Scorpio: October 24 – November 21
  • Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
  • Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
  • Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Name of 27 Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology

Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishaka, Anurada, Jyeshta, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhishak, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati

To determine your corresponding Nakshatra, it is essential to have precise birth information, including the exact date of birth, year, place of birth, and the specific time of birth. Once you provide these details to an astrologer, they will be able to easily ascertain the position of the Moon at the time of your birth and identify the Nakshatra to which you belong.

Name of 9 planets 12 Zodiac Signs and 27 Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology

The location of the Moon at the moment of your birth will indicate your specific Nakshatra. Additionally, your horoscope plays a crucial role, as it offers further insights into your personality and circumstances based on the positions of the Sun and Moon during your birth. This analysis is important, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of your health, traits, and other significant aspects of your life.

There are a total of 27 Nakshatras, also known as Stars, and 12 Rashis, or Signs. Each Nakshatra is further subdivided into four Padas, or quarters, and each Rashi is associated with specific Nakshatras. The chart provided below will assist you in identifying your Rashi or Birth Star, referred to as Janma Nakshatra.

Nakshatra / StarPada / PadamRashi / Zodiac
Ashwini1st PadaMesha (Aries)
Ashwini2nd PadaMesha (Aries)
Ashwini3rd PadaMesha (Aries)
Ashwini4th PadaMesha (Aries)
Bharani1st PadaMesha (Aries)
Bharani2nd PadaMesha (Aries)
Bharani3rd PadaMesha (Aries)
Bharani4th PadaMesha (Aries)
Krittika / Karthikai1st PadaMesha (Aries)
Krittika / Karthikai2nd PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Krittika / Karthikai3rd PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Krittika / Karthikai4th PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Rohini1st PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Rohini2nd PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Rohini3rd PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Rohini4th PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Mrigasira1st PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Mrigasira2nd PadaRishaba (Taurus)
Mrigasira3rd PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Mrigasira4th PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Ardra / Thiruvathirai1st PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Ardra / Thiruvathirai2nd PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Ardra / Thiruvathirai3rd PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Ardra / Thiruvathirai4th PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam1st PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam2nd PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam3rd PadaMithuna (Gemini)
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam4th PadaKataka (Cancer)
Pushya / Pusam1st PadaKataka (Cancer)
Pushya / Pusam2nd PadaKataka (Cancer)
Pushya / Pusam3rd PadaKataka (Cancer)
Pushya / Pusam4th PadaKataka (Cancer)
Ashlesha / Ayilyam1st PadaKataka (Cancer)
Ashlesha / Ayilyam2nd PadaKataka (Cancer)
Ashlesha / Ayilyam3rd PadaKataka (Cancer)
Ashlesha / Ayilyam4th PadaKataka (Cancer)
Magha / Makam1st PadaSimha (Leo)
Magha / Makam2nd PadaSimha (Leo)
Magha / Makam3rd PadaSimha (Leo)
Magha / Makam4th PadaSimha (Leo)
Purva Phalguni / Pubba / Puram1st PadaSimha (Leo)
Purva Phalguni / Pubba / Puram2nd PadaSimha (Leo)
Purva Phalguni / Pubba / Puram3rd PadaSimha (Leo)
Purva Phalguni / Pubba / Puram4th PadaSimha (Leo)
Uttara Palkuni / Uthram1st PadaSimha (Leo)
Uttara Palkuni / Uthram1st PadaSimha (Leo)
Uttara Palkuni / Uthram2nd PadaKanya (Virgo)
Uttara Palkuni / Uthram3rd PadaKanya (Virgo)
Uttara Palkuni / Uthram4th PadaKanya (Virgo)
Hasta / Hastham1st PadaKanya (Virgo)
Hasta / Hastham2nd PadaKanya (Virgo)
Hasta / Hastham3rd PadaKanya (Virgo)
Hasta / Hastham4th PadaKanya (Virgo)
Chitta / Chitra1st PadaKanya (Virgo)
Chitta / Chitra2nd PadaKanya (Virgo)
Chitta / Chitra3rd PadaTula (Libra)
Chitta / Chitra4th PadaTula (Libra)
Swati1st PadaTula (Libra)
Swati2nd PadaTula (Libra)
Swati3rd PadaTula (Libra)
Swati4th PadaTula (Libra)
Vishakha / Visakam1st PadaTula (Libra)
Vishakha / Visakam2nd PadaTula (Libra)
Vishakha / Visakam3rd PadaTula (Libra)
Vishakha / Visakam4th PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Anuradha / Anusham1st PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Anuradha / Anusham2nd PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Anuradha / Anusham3rd PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Anuradha / Anusham4th PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Jyeshta / Kettai1st PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Jyeshta / Kettai2nd PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Jyeshta / Kettai3rd PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Jyeshta / Kettai4th PadaVrishchika (Scorpio)
Mula / Moolam1st PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Mula / Moolam2nd PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Mula / Moolam3rd PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Mula / Moolam4th PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Purvashada / Pooradam1st PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Purvashada / Pooradam2nd PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Purvashada / Pooradam3rd PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Purvashada / Pooradam4th PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Uthradam / Uttarashada1st PadaDhanus (Saggitarius)
Uthradam / Uttarashada2nd PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Uthradam / Uttarashada3rd PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Uthradam / Uttarashada4th PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Shravana / Thiruvonam1st PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Shravana / Thiruvonam2nd PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Shravana / Thiruvonam3rd PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Shravana / Thiruvonam4th PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Dhanishta / Avittam1st PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Dhanishta / Avittam2nd PadaMakara (Capricorn)
Dhanishta / Avittam3rd PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Dhanishta / Avittam4th PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Satabhisha / Sadayam1st PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Satabhisha / Sadayam2nd PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Satabhisha / Sadayam3rd PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Satabhisha / Sadayam4th PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Purva Bhadra / Poorattathi1st PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Purva Bhadra / Poorattathi2nd PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Purva Bhadra / Poorattathi3rd PadaKumbha (Aquarius)
Purva Bhadra / Poorattathi4th PadaMeena (Pisces)
Uttarabhadra / Uthirattathi1st PadaMeena (Pisces)
Uttarabhadra / Uthirattathi2nd PadaMeena (Pisces)
Uttarabhadra / Uthirattathi3rd PadaMeena (Pisces)
Uttarabhadra / Uthirattathi4th PadaMeena (Pisces)
Revati1st PadaMeena (Pisces)
Revati2nd PadaMeena (Pisces)
Revati3rd PadaMeena (Pisces)
Revati4th PadaMeena (Pisces)

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