22 Rules of staying healthy

22 Rules of staying healthy

22 Rules of staying healthy-a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise are all essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Let us know the 22 golden rules of staying healthy.

  1. Put Cold water in the eyes after waking up in the morning.
  2. Drink slightly warm water after getting up in the morning.
  3. Always drink the water by sip-sip while sitting down.
  4. Chew the food 32 times.
  5. Eat food with a full stomach in the morning.
  6. Eat the breakfast till two and a half hours after sunrise in the morning.
  7. Drink Juice in the morning with food.
  8. Drink milk with food at night.
  9. Do not eat citrus fruits at night.
  10. Drink Lassi / Buttermilk with lunch.
  11. Eat the food which has be taken out of the fridge after 1 hour.
  12. Avoid Cold drinks, ice cream, sugar, maida and white salt.
  13. Do not smoke and drink alcohol.
  14. Eat the food after 40 minutes of food prepared.
  15. Eat negligible amount food at night.
  16. Do not drink Lassi at night.
  17. Work after breakfast in the morning.
  18. Relax after lunch.
  19. Walk 500 steps after having dinner.
  20. Do Vajrasana for 5-10 minutes after eating food.
  21. Sleep at night before 9-10 pm.
  22. Always pray to god before and after sleep.

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